Installation of NEUTRAL60 solar control film

This room was the workshop where Joan Miró painted some of his most emblematic works. Now it is part of the museum, and in it there is a representation of what the workshop was like during the time Joan worked there.

In this project the client told us that they had 3 problems:

– Heat: the room reached very high temperatures for much of the year, making it uncomfortable for museum visitors. Furthermore, it is a space that does not have air conditioning.

– Deterioration of the works: in this room the painter's works and materials are preserved, which showed deterioration due to the action of the sun.

– Luminosity: due to the deterioration and the heat caused by the sun, they were forced to lower blinds and close shutters, losing the excellent natural luminosity of the room.

  • Before

    The sun's IR and UV rays forced blinds to be closed to maintain the temperature and protect works and furniture.

  • After

    With the film installed you can now take advantage of sunlight, the temperature is maintained and the works and furniture are completely protected.

Benefits achieved

Temperature reduction

After installing the sheets, the room temperature has been reduced to 6ºC


It has been possible to maintain the natural luminosity of the room since now it is not necessary to lower blinds or close shutters.

UV protection

UV protection has been increased to 99%. Reducing the deterioration of works and objects to the maximum.

We are solar control film installers

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